Enroll in a Summer Camp
Please complete the appropriate registration form below to select the weeks your child/children will attend and to make a payment with a credit card.
- Registration Form for Spanish Camp (Ages 4-9)
- Registration Form for Spanish Camp (Ages 10-13)
- Registration Form for Classics Camp (Ages 9-12)
Sibling Discount
Families with more than one child in camp at the same time receive a $20 per half-day session tuition discount for each additional child ($40 for full time session).
Payment Policy
Full payment is due at registration. Your child is considered enrolled when the following conditions are met:
- Registration completed and full payment is made by credit card
- Space remains in the weeks and sessions requested. As camps fill, waiting lists are created on a first come, first served basis.
- Registration will be accepted until June 5 for June sessions and until June 30 for July sessions, or until sessions are full.
Cancellation of Classes
The University Language Academy for Children reserves the right to cancel any class session that does not have a minimum enrollment (5 students).
Requests for refunds will be honored only until the registration deadline for each session. Full refunds (including materials and registration fee) will be given if a class is cancelled by the University Language Academy for Children.
We understand that plans change. Partial refunds after the start of classes may be allowed. A $30.00 processing fee per cancelled week will be assessed. The $50 materials and processing fee is nonrefundable.
We do not honor refunds by the day because we do not offer tuition by the day. We hire staff, purchase perishable/non-perishable items for activities and supplies for the week based on our enrollment as of the dates stated above. Depending on space and availability, we do allow children to make up classes or weeks.
We foster a positive and safe environment, but discipline problems are not unusual. All children are expected to maintain proper behavior during the camp sessions. If a child displays inappropriate, disruptive, or disrespectful behavior toward teachers and other children, we will first approach the problem through positive discipline. If this is not effective, we will contact the parents. If the disruptive behavior continues, the child will be dismissed from the program and no refund will be given. Parents and children are asked to read, print, and sign the Camper Discipline Policy Form
Safety and Security
The University Language Academy staff will provide supervision during regular class times for all students. Please indicate on the registration form any special needs your child may have.
Children are to be picked up when the session ends, at 12:00 and at 5:00.
A late pick-up fee of $5 will be assessed for each 15 minutes after the hour paid in cash or check to the teacher.